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Alpe Adria World War TransAlp

Set out with us on your mountain bike on the trail of the First World War, during 5 days through three countries to the Adriatic. We combine trail experiences, cuisine and the history of Carinthia, Slovenia and Italy along 300 km and up to 5000 altitude metres.


Over 100 years after the First World War, starting in Carinthia we explore by bike the front lines of this terrible war. In the twelve Isonzo battles alone, over a million people lost their lives in 1915-1917.  The scars of war are still clearly visible in nature today. The tour leads us through fascinating landscapes, over impressive mountains and through deep valleys, right to the steep coast of the Adriatic.





Former scenes of war amidst the mountains, historically significant roads, impressive museums, charming accommodation, wineries and culinary delights await all participants. At historical sites, the bike guides will illuminate the past through brief readings.


The daily change of landscapes is unique. Starting with the Carinthian lakes, the Nockberge and the Karawanken, we move on to the limestone giants of Triglav National Park and over the forest ridge of Kolovrat, with secluded trails leading us into the lush wine and hill country of Collio, before reaching the steep Adriatic coast through the karst at Duino.


Class instead of mass through a maximum of 12 participants and two certified guides, as well as perfect all-round service - that is our trademark.


DATES 2024

SEPTEMBER: 14.09. - 20.09.2024 - all spaces available
OCTOBER: 21.09. - 27.09.2024 - all spaces available


We would be happy to send an offer!



Classic option: 300 km and approx. 5000 altitude metres - trails S0, S1 partly S2

You need solid mountain bike experience, fitness and trail experience. No blocked trals or long carrying stretches, but single trails every day. Ascents up to 800 altitude metres in one go at a normal bike speed (5-7 kmh) should not be a problem for you.


Stage  1 Feld am See – Arnoldstein 60 km, 1400 altitude metres
Stage 2 Arnoldstein – Bovec 65 km, 1150 altitude metres
Stage 3 Bovec – Magozd 45 km, 800 altitude metres
Stage 4 Magozd – Prepotto or Smartno 65 km, 1500 altitude metres
Stage 5 Prepotto / Smartno – Villagio di Pescatore 50 km, 700 altitude metres
In total approx. 300 km and 4900 altitude metres



  • Guiding by two certified mountain bike guides
  • Maximum 12 participants for two guides
  • The second guides takes care of baggage transport with the accompanying vehicle and joins the group from midday
  • Five day stages through Austria, Italy and Slovenia
  • Two overnights stays with breakfast at Lindenhof or partner hotel
  • Welcome dinner at the wine restaurant Vinum / Lindenhof with tour presentation
  • Four overnight stays with breakfast on tour
  • Charming accommodation and excellent cuisine (guesthouses, winery, agriturismo)
  • Goodbye dinner in the award-winning gourmet dining hall at Lindenhof
  • Baggage transport to the day's destination and return transport
  • Drinking bottle with energy package
  • Extras: museum visit, wine tasting, historical information on location from the guides for the Classic option
  • Minimum participant number 8 persons 


Package price Classic option 2024 incl. services above/ 6 nights € 975,– per person / single room supplement € 100,–


We offer these tours exclusively with guides, as simply following GPS tracks is not always the ideal solution. The route changes often, as depending on the weather some trails are impassable when wet, or high altitudes may not be appropriate when it is cold. Furthermore, every year natural obstacles such as landslides, rockfall, tree felling, new forest trails or closures of private grounds make route changes necessary. It is only with guides that we can respond to these challenges, follow the wishes of the participants and offer the group a high-quality bike experience. With conviction - your guides: Markus, Martin & Hannes.




DAY STAGE 1 Classic: carinthian lakes, rivers and the border region

After warming up along the lakes Brennsee and Afritzer See, we follow forest paths and trail passages on fairly challenging uphills up to the Mirnock ridge. We then continue into the Drautal valley towards Villach, along the Drau and past the thermal springs, at times along the ancient Roman road of Warmbad Villach to the Gail river. We cruise along this picturesque river and through the technically demanding rubble below Dobratsch to Arnoldstein and our first destination. Approx. 60 km, 1400 altitude metres.



DAY STAGE 2 Classic: tri-border region, border crossings and the first traces of war

We start by taking the cable car up to the 1508-metre-high tri-border region with a wonderful all-round view. This is followed by quite a long descent to Italy, which takes us past Tarvision to the Silzza river. We then continue on an ascent to the beautiful lake Predil and then the Predil Pass at 1156m. Here we have now reached the former front line of 1915, where we visit the notorious Fort Hermann before following selected trails down to Bovec in Slovenia. Stylish and modern accommodation awaits us, as well as typical local restaurants in the centre of the village. Approx. 65 km, 1150 altitude metres.




DAY STAGE 3 Classic: suspension bridges, isonzo trails and the world war museum

Today starts with a brief visit to an outdoor museum, before continuing directly over the suspension bridge into the Isonzo delta. Then trails await us along the turquoise Isonzo river - the bike highlight of the day. The trails and tow paths lead us to Kobarid, where we visit the impressing and multiple award-winning World War Museum. There is then a shuttle to the day's destination in Magozd, or we cycle a leisurely 150 altitude metres to the unusual accommodation. A day with few kilometres, but which should not be underestimated... Approx. 45km, 800 altitude metres




DAY STAGE 4: Kolovrat, forest trails and the vineyards

We set out for an ambitious 900 altitude metres onto the Kolovrat mountains. This now depopulated area was one of the most fought-over areas - evoked by an open-air museum. On a selective descent over the Sentiero della Pace, we cross the border to Italy, before challenging up and down trails lead into the Prepotto area. We spend the night surrounded by vineyards and are treated to wines and excellent cuisine. Approx. 65 km, 1500 altitude metres.



DAY STAGE 5: scree and karst, view of trieste, fish cuisine and prosecco from the barrel

From the vineyards, the day stage leads us through Gradisca d'Isonzo into the karst rich in contrast. Scree, pines and thorn bushes line the route towards the Adriatic and make the last 500 altitude metres more challenging than you might think. We are rewarded at the destination with a fabulous view of the bay of Trieste and perfect fish cuisine, as well as Prosecco from the barrel in a rustic pescaturismo right by the sea. Approx. 50 km, 700 altitude metres.




your Bike guides

Markus, simon & HANNAH

* Guaranteed to go ahead from 8 registered participants.



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Nindler family

Kirchenplatz 2

A-9544 Feld am See


T +43 4246 2274

F +43 4246 2274 50